Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Worst Blogger EVER!!!

I always seem to forget that I have this blog page. I know when I visit my friends page and there is no updated....I get so dissapointed! I love the musings and the daily reality checks. Makes me see the lighter side of life sometimes.

Stay or go..... that's the pnidering question with my loving husband right now. He has 14 months left on active duty.....UNLESS...he makes the next rank. He has an opportunity this month and once again in December. If he does make it, then he will be able to stay for two more years giving him 26 years active duty! If he does make it, he has a chance of being reassigned somewhere else. We have talked about that too, and have a plan. Me and the dogs will go with him, and have Jeni and family stay here t our home until we come back and retire here in Summerville. If he doesn't make it....well, he is working on his resume as we speak. No matter what, he will be just fine, and we will be just fine too! I am hoping for a few more years active duty, he will get a better retirement the longer he is active duty. Besides, who the hell retires at 42 years old!!!!

YES!!! I am still here!!

Been a very busy few years, but I am still here! Life happens, things happen, and other stuff gets in the way...but we find a way to keep o...