Saturday, October 10, 2009

Accident Report

This is the van after a drunk driver hit my oldest daughter and grandsons! They are alright, but Jeni is very sore, gonna get worse before she gets better. I am thankful to GOD that they are alright. The other driver, born in 1958, white male, DRUNK, is now in jail where the bastard belongs!!! He was driving a 1985 El Camino, that's his tail light you see in the bottom left corner. We have a court date on November 12th at 3:30. The driver had no license, no tag, and the car was not even his. I am so angry that this man was swerving down the road and hit my babies! Get this, this son of a bitch was swerving, there were two drivers behind him on the phone with police dispatch reporting him right before he hit them, and they told the dispatcher that he just hit someone. OMG WTF!!!!!! This man needs to be beat!!! He hurt my family and he could have caused even more damage. I am so thankful to GOD that he is in jail! I hope the system doesn't fail them.


  1. Vonney, I have faith that the system will not fail. I am so happy Jeni and the boys are safe. It could have been so much worse.

    Tell Jeni I said hello (still cannot post on her blog) and tell her if she needs anything just to call.

    Love you!

  2. i am soooo glad that they are ok........
    you know we are here for you all.....if it is a ride, a meal, babysitting, we can all pitch in!

    love you all!!


YES!!! I am still here!!

Been a very busy few years, but I am still here! Life happens, things happen, and other stuff gets in the way...but we find a way to keep o...